Hunting Pictures  


2004 Nov.  Jack’s Ranch – 280 yard across the canyon shot.


2005 – 44 mag. Hand gun hunt. With Mark K. and Wilbert D. - We got 3 wild boars.


1998 With Pat – 350+ yard (lucky shot)


2003 with Wilbert Dana – 3 kills


Arron and Browning 300 Winch. Mag.


Arron and I.  – over 230 pound boar – 3 inch tusk


1997 Work’s Ranch


Jeep broke down in the middle of the hunt – we had to walk for 3-4 hours at night.


Bob was captured as a 1 week old baby – was raised in an apartment / the owner had to give him up because he was getting too big. When he died in 2002, he weighted more than 450 lb.

Lucy and 2 birds…